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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Top 10 Creepiest Insects on Earth

There are a few people around the globe who do not hate insects, but then, even such people would not like to have a glimpse of some really creepy insects present over there. In this article, we are discussing the top 10 creepiest insects on the Earth. Slightest view of these insects might ruin your day. And if you are scared of insects, beware! You might not even get to sleep for some nights once you have caught a glimpse of them. Further, these insects might also be diabolic in nature. Just imagine, an insect that people do not want to see even, if that particular insect bites a person, what would happen to that person!
Let us have a closer look at the top 10 creepiest insects on the Earth.
10. The Weta
the weta Top 10 Creepiest Insects on Earth
These insects are really big ones, heavy and massive by appearance and really scary. There are approximately 70 species of the insects which come under this category. The most horrible part is the large legs of such insects. When compared with other insects, it could be said that Weta are like a combination of crickets and cockroaches.  Since these insects can survive in all ranges of temperature, from extremely high to extremely low, you can find these insects almost everywhere, no matter it is grassland or a shrub. These are nocturnal and eat only fruits and flowers. If Wet happens to bite someone, it might be really painful for the person.
9. Mexican Redknee Tarantula
Mexican redknee tarantula Top 10 Creepiest Insects on Earth
A native species of Mexico, the Mexican Redknee Tarantula is the popular name of Brachypelma smithi. Although it could also be found elsewhere in the world, but it is in Mexico only that this insect is seen in large numbers. Among all the tarantulas present on the earth, these are the most popular ones and the creepiest as well. It has a large body and on the orange-red legs of the insect, there are some orange patches. This insect contains venom in high quantity. Hence, one has to be very careful when he or she is in the vicinity of Mexican redknee tarantula.
8. Camel Spider
Camel Spider Top 10 Creepiest Insects on Earth
The Mexican nickname of the camel spider- deer-killer is something that makes it all the more horrible. For once, you would think that it is nothing but just another spider. But this is not the case, the camel spiders are not at all true spiders, rather, they are some distinct sort of arachnids. Preferable climate for their living is warm and hot. Hence, these are particularly found in semitropical regions and the tropical regions, but on the basis of some evidence, they are also found in forests and grasslands as well. Their bite is really very painful due to varying structure of their teeth. They could eat other smaller insects, but some of these insects are even said to engulf lizards. Since these insects are nocturnal, they try to remain in shade during the day time.
7. Thorn Bug
Thorn bug Top 10 Creepiest Insects on Earth
Thorn bug is a kind of pest and hence, it is found on the trees most of the time. South Florida is considered to be the home of these insects because if you walk past a field area in South Florida, you would see a large number of Thorn bugs have formed clusters around the twigs of the trees. These may destroy the entire trees by forming a cluster around the trunk of the tree. These insects are believed to suck the sap of the tree.
6. European Earwig
 Top 10 Creepiest Insects on Earth
The scientific name for European Earwig is Forficula auricularia and this one is really creepy. You get a glimpse of this insect and get restless for a week or so. As the name of this insect implies, it is a native species of Europe, but this doesn’t mean that it could not be found in other parts of the world. The size of this insect is not that mush large, just a centimetre and the colour is shiny brown. Further, it has yellow coloured legs and wings are of the same colour. If you hate flying insects, here is something to your rescue; the European Earwigs do not prefer to fly even when they have wings on their body. They have the potential to damage the corn silk crop. Also, they can eat various other flowers too.
5. Giant African Stick Insect
giant african stick insect Top 10 Creepiest Insects on Earth
On the 5th position in our list of the top 10 creepiest insects on Earth, we have Giant African stick insect, whose scientific name is Bactrododema tiaratum. This insect could be found anywhere on the earth and particularly in Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Switzerland and South Africa. Although this insect is ling but when compared with the longest stick insect, it falls short of length. The legs of these insects are stretched out a bit which looks really very scary. They also have small wings on their body with the help of which, they fly from one place to another.
4. Goliath Beetle
goliath beetle Top 10 Creepiest Insects on Earth
If you think scary means large, perhaps the goliath beetle would seem to be the most horrible and creepiest insect to you. The tropical forests in Africa are like homes to these insects. They are said to suck the sap of the tree and destroy them as much as they can. Also, they would bite into the fruits occasionally. These insects are so much large that they seem to be small toy helicopters sort of things when they fly overhead. The sound produced by them during flying is also equivalent to the helicopter. The colour of these insects could be anything between white, dark brown, light brown or black.
3. Horse Fly
Horse fly Top 10 Creepiest Insects on Earth
Horse flies are not only creepy by appearance, but their bites are also very painful, as an established fact. This is the major reason a lot of people are scared of horse flies and run around when a horse fly comes in the vicinity. The painful nature of their bite is the fact that they do not pin the skin like a needle (just like all the other creepy insects do) but they slice apart the flesh using the special tools available to them in the form of mandibles. They suck out the blood from the human body and might even cause permanent marks on the body. Females are a bit less dangerous than the males but still, they are dangerous.
2. Cockroach
cockroach Top 10 Creepiest Insects on Earth
Cockroach need not be described much as they are very common, found almost everywhere. It is only the Polar Regions on the earth that are spared by this deadly insect, but the rest of the world is equipped by cockroaches here and there. You go to kitchen, you find a cockroach there, you go to bathroom, you find a cockroach there, you go to store room, you find a cockroach there, they are [present everywhere around you. These insects are large by appearance and are really very scary. 1% of the species of the cockroaches are classified under the category of pests as they harm the buildings while they are under construction.
1. Giant Water Bug
giant water bug Top 10 Creepiest Insects on Earth
And, on the top of our list of the top 10 creepiest insects on the earth, we have giant water bug. This insect is so much creepy that you would not want to look at it from the farthest distance. This is a very large insect and is mostly found in U.S. and Canada. According to some recent news, this insect is the most asked about insect, hence, it can be assumed that it is very popular. For once, you would think it is a cockroach or a beetle and nothing else, but as you come closer, you get to see what it is. The bite made by this insect is painful and it generally bites on the toe of the humans.

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