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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Top 10 Common Reasons for Nightmares

Having dreams which wakes you up in the night with a jerk and leaves you all sweaty and fearful while all other seems to be having a peaceful sleep around you can be one traumatic night and for some such dreams are recurrent. Nightmares are the disturbing dreams which follows us for days, weeks, months or sometimes with years. A very common myth is that nightmares are caused based on our sins, but the truth is nightmares are in no way related to your sins, but surely it is related to our behaviors and sometimes the things happening in our lives.
Everyone will have nightmares and it is common to all, but sometimes it can be recurring to some people and it indicates serious problems. Nightmares can also be a warning for the problems and issues you might be having in real life and it needs to be dealt with. Although every person has a nightmare in different ways and with different circumstances, most of it are related to certain reasons and once you understand the reason which might be causing you those terrifying dreams, you can try to find solution to your problems.
Nothing is easy in this world and we all have to work towards being happy and there are no problems without a solution to it. The best way to deal with your issues is to understand the root cause of it and deal with it.
Some of the reasons which is most common to give you a lot problems while awake with eyes wide open as well as while you are asleep giving you nightmares are,

10. Stress

Stress Top 10 Common Reasons for Nightmares
Not all dreams are pleasant and being stressed in life, leads to many health problems. Stress is one of the major cause of many mind related problems and having nightmares is one of it.Stress causes a lot of hormonal imbalance in our bodies which is also a cause of reduced energy. Anyone can feel stressed depending on the issues they have, for example stress in not limited for adults, but even children can be stressed sometimes, like being afraid of something or someone, exam fears, pressure from teachers or parents etc. These kind of stress interprets in our dreams causing the nightmares which are nothing but the real life fears and tiredness. Over stress can cause recurring nightmares. The solution to deal with these nightmares and to stop them, its best to analyze to what the dream related to in real life and try to deal with the real life issues. Deal with stress and try to relax more.

9. Side effects of some medications

medications Top 10 Common Reasons for Nightmares
With good there comes always a bad and it is always our choice what we need best and how to deal with the bad. There are certain medications which might cure our ailments for whatever we might be taking those medications, still these medicines cause nightmares for some. Some medicines linked to have causing insomnia as well as the nightmares. So next time when you have a nightmare and if it is recurring do not blame it on your snack but also do check your prescriptions and talk to your doctor about it for changing the dosage or to some other medicines.

8. Watching horror movies before bed

Watching horror movies before bed Top 10 Common Reasons for Nightmares
It can be thrilling to watch those zombies with all those multiple scars and blood dripping from mouth and all parts of the body, but be ready to sleep with them as well when you sit to enjoy them. Although nightmares are more often related to the personal issues in one’s life, watching a scary movie can give more shape to the nightmares which triggers any of the feelings of stress, anxiety, painful memories, etc. Though some can have a sound sleep right after scary flick. Some times it all depends on how your mind takes it and the unconscious mind interprets it. So next time you want to watch John Doe coming out of his death bed with a ketchup face, make sure you know what you are doing, and avoid watching scary movie if you had any previous experience of disturbed sleep after a scary flick.

7. Illness and accidents

Illness and accidents Top 10 Common Reasons for Nightmares
Certain illness and rise in body temperature can cause nightmares in people and women with a change in their monthly menstrual cycle also causes bad dreams to some. These happens mainly because of the vulnerability of the body and mind. In some cases of people with some serious trauma in life and when they start getting nightmares of their experiences is also an indication that they are ready to remember whatever traumatic experiences they had faced and become ready to deal with it. Sometimes people with terminal illness also start having dreams of death and dead people in their dreams which can be a real haunting experience. Hence it is better to accept with the illness and fight for it with all confidence and try not fearing for the worst.

6. avoiding problems

avoiding problems Top 10 Common Reasons for Nightmares
We all want to have a peaceful life without any problems and issues, but unfortunately no one is free from problems, and they vary from age to age and their level of dealing with things.Problems in life can relate to anything, be it at work or with any personal relationships or anything else. When there is an issue and one feels like not being able to find a solution, they feel like they are trapped. The feeling of being trapped with their problems in real life can cause nightmares in some, For example dreams like being locked in a room, or being in a place all alone and you have no idea of how to get back, etc. So dreams of being trapped or usually symbolic to the feelings of being trapped with problems in real life.

5. Depression

Depression Top 10 Common Reasons for Nightmares
Depression in life is one of a reason for many problems and nightmares is a very simple and common of them. Depression and nightmares are inter-related with each other. Sometimes if depression causes nightmares than sometimes nightmares can make a person more depressed. People who are under treatment for depression are more at the risk of nightmares. Drugs and medicines that act on chemicals in brain such as anti-depressants and narcotics often causes nightmares. Hence it is best to treat the problem of depression to avoid these nightmares which can cause more trouble and disturbed mind.

4. Anxiety

Anxiety1 Top 10 Common Reasons for Nightmares
Got a dream of being lost or have lost something, do not worry, you are not lost or you have not lost any of your favorite things, but these kind of dreams are sure related to something in your body and mind. So what is it? And you might ask why am I getting such dreams?
Dreams about lost or searching for something which feels like you will never find it are related to anxiety which evokes feelings of confusion and frustration or a feeling of “you do not fit in”. These kind of feelings is common when one moves into new place, school, office, deadlines to meet, feeling of not having enough skills etc can all cause dreams of being lost and those sometimes can cause nightmares. So deal with your problems to deal with your bad dreams.

3. Pressure

Pressure Top 10 Common Reasons for Nightmares
stress, pressure, being tired are related to each other and are all reasons for many health disorders both physically and mentally. Physical pressure or mental pressure are always tend to make a person tired and stressed. When a person is in extreme pressure, he is tend to be having difficult sleep and a reason of having nightmares as well. As much as we say we do not have time to relax in life and as easy it is to say that one need to make time to reduce pressure, the latter seem to be a better option. To avoid nightmares and also other kind of health disorders, one need to relax and learn to deal with pressure.

2. Low Self Esteem

low self esteem Top 10 Common Reasons for Nightmares
Low self-esteem is a problem with many and it can cause problems with many issues related to public relations as well as with easy communication. But the problem can come even when you try to have a good sleep. People with low self-esteem and issues with self image often tend to be having dreams of being naked in public. Although dreams of this kind might not be as much a nightmare which can make you wake up with a jerk and leaving you disturbed but might make you feel funny after you wake up. Such dreams which occurs more often and in weird ways can be really disturbing sometimes and obviously difficult to share it with anyone. Reasons for such dreams are the feelings of being judged by people or by someone superior to you, etc. The only solution for these kind of dreams would be to develop self-esteem and take help from a counselor.

1. Loss of Someone

loss of someone Top 10 Common Reasons for Nightmares
The feeling of being alone or being left alone when someone very dear to us dies and makes us feel dreadful, can always cause a lot of pressure on our conscious mind as well as the unconscious mind. Sometimes these feelings are caused even when one breaks up a relationship, and the partner moves away from the other. The feeling of being left back or sometimes the feeling of insecurity in a relationship can also cause nightmares. Though nightmares related to these kind of reasons are easy to identify, but it might seem to difficult to deal with, but one need to try hard to overcome the feelings of dread to get ride of these nightmares as well as other issues related to it.

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