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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Top 10 Cruelest Things you can do to Someone

Where there is kindness there is cruelty. Some believe that these two opposing forces must necessarily co-exist to balance each other in the world. However, there are certain acts  so vicious, so brutal and so insensitive that they are truly unforgivable. This article does not intend to promote or propagate any kind of heinous crimes or criminal acts. It aims only to be a chilling account of the shocking sadism and heartlessness which ever so often penetrates our society, and threatens to obliterate its remaining virtues once and for all.

10. Damage/Destruction of Property or Belongings

Damage or Destruction Top 10 Cruelest Things you can do to Someone
Destruction of Belongings
Spiritual gurus will insist that a material loss is trivial compared to  the infliction of a more lasting emotional blow. That may be true, but we cannot discount the fact that we treasure our most precious possessions not only because of their material value, but often due to the emotional connect we feel with the object, because of the reason why we received or purchased it. It may be the reminder of a cherished memory, a loving gift, a product bought with one’s first salary or a token of congratulations from a faraway well-wisher. Such possessions also include the house you live in, the car you drive or the instrument you play, as these are bound to be close to your heart. Taking advantage of such weaknesses and destroying or damaging them on purpose is downright cruel not to mention sadistic. It is horrid to take out your anger on anyone by mutilating their property or possessions,  for the victim feels the stab not only of a material or financial loss but also the agonizing pain of having a special memory irrevocably wounded by cruel hands.

9. Public Humiliation

Public Humiliation Top 10 Cruelest Things you can do to Someone
Public Humiliation
Words can bite if used in clever ways. Sadly, some use their cleverness merely to insult, hurt and humiliate others. Insulting someone publicly without valid reason, with the clear objective of ruining the person’s social and/or professional reputation as well as deriding him/her through attacks on personal morality in the presence of friends, family and others is unjustifiably cruel. In the past grudging souls may have found it convenient to mete out insults and false accusations to their enemies before large gatherings or via statements in print. As if those weren’t bad enough, with the advent of television and social media, the menace has been unleashed with newly acquired brazenness. There have been umpteen instances of jilted lovers uploading explicit videos or morphed pictures on social networking sites to get back at their exes, or of angst-ridden teenagers hacking into the accounts of their rivals to post misleading statements and scandalous images, of fired employees giving explosive interviews against their company bosses or jealous co-workers slapping false cases on their colleagues. Imagine the agony, anxiety and agitation of those subjected to such unprovoked humiliation. The worst is that the public often believes these cunning perpetrators who cleverly cover their tracks and get away with their evil designs. Even if the truth does come out later, the victim’s reputation remains tainted for a prolonged period of time, if not forever.

8. Infidelity

Infidelity Top 10 Cruelest Things you can do to Someone
One of the fundamental blocks supporting any relationship is honesty, which if compromised destroys the  integrity of the relationship. Intentionally cheating on an honest loving partner is one of the cruelest forms of emotional pain you can inflict on him/her. The disillusionment can be so severe that he or she may never be able to trust anyone again. A fight can be resolved through a meaningful conversation, but an act of infidelity is extremely difficult, if not impossible to forgive. Violation of a relationship’s rules, especially in the case of extra-marital affairs can lead to serious depressions and/or psychological trauma in the mind of the partner who has been cheated. It is hard to reconcile oneself to such situations and even harder to forget the cruelty and move ahead.

7. Betrayal

Betrayal1 Top 10 Cruelest Things you can do to Someone
While infidelity affects only romantic relationships, more general betrayal is a weapon which the sadist can use against almost anyone. Breaking someone’s trust, especially in matters of grave importance results in shocking disillusionment, apart from financial ruin or wasted opportunities. How cold and cruel could one be? You make another person believe in you, give them confidence and bright hopes, only to deceive and desert them at the crucial moment? History is witness to the countless wars that were lost due to the betrayal of commanders and forces on one or the other side. The tragic consequences and far reaching impacts of such cold-blooded treachery make it impossible to accept and forget. The resulting anger and anguish born within betrayed souls may very well lead to future crimes spurred by pent up rage and revenge.

6. Injury

Injury Top 10 Cruelest Things you can do to Someone
It is not a difficult task to hurt someone physically. One just needs three things: An instrument, an opportune moment, and a diabolical mind. Even a weapon is not absolutely necessary. One can bring upon grievous injuries  just by using his/her bare hands. A jab in the eye with a sharp object, a slash with a knife, a gunshot, or a swing at the head with an iron rod – any of these has every chance to result in irreparable, if not life-threatening injuries, scarring the victims for life. The only possible justification in such a case can be war or self-defence. Otherwise, no one has the right to purposefully injure a person without any provocation, no matter what the motive. It is particularly unpardonable and merciless when defenseless individuals such as senior citizens, differently-abled persons and young children are attacked and wounded for no fault of theirs. Sadly, our society abounds in such acts of abject cruelty, strengthened by lapses of law and order.

5. Coercion

Coercion Top 10 Cruelest Things you can do to Someone
Coercion is the criminal practice of forcing a victim or a group of victims to act involuntarily in order to extract a gain from or inflict a loss on the victim. Coercion can be physical, psychological, legal, social etc. and includes within its purview crimes such as blackmail, extortion and criminal threatening. Usually, the motives for such threats  are extraction of monetary gains, property or material benefits, sexual favours or other unlawful interests. Victims of coercion suffer the excruciating trauma of having their lives controlled by evil agents and being forced to engage in activities beyond their worst nightmares. They fear to report the crime to authorities due to intimidating messages and threats of bodily harm, torture and even death. Sick are the minds that derive pleasure out of denying people their basic rights and compelling them to live each day in fear and a crushing hopelessness.

4. Acid Attacks

Acid Attacks Top 10 Cruelest Things you can do to Someone
Acid Attacks
Does this picture look pretty and colourful to you? Well, the following lines won’t. Acid throwing or vitriolage is a form of criminal assault so violent and heartless that it demands singular importance as an exceptionally brutal crime. It can be defined as the premeditated act of throwing acid on the victim’s body with the intention to “disfigure, maim, torture or kill.” The chemicals commonly used for vitriolage are sulphuric acid, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid. These can be procured as easily as from a chemistry laboratory in a school or college. An acid attack is one of the most inhuman assaults on an innocent life. Most of the time, the perpetrators target the victim’s face. The moment the corrosive liquid burns the skin, often exposing, or in serious cases even dissolving the bones, leading to permanent disfigurement of the features, blindness or even death. Survivors suffer from lifelong social and psychological trauma of an irreversible mutilation to their body, and most are never able to live freely, without fear or despair, ever again.

3. Torture

Torture Devices Top 10 Cruelest Things you can do to Someone
Torture Devices
Torture. We often use this word in casual conversations, while complaining about our workload or the weather. But what does ‘torture’ really stand for? Torture is the practice of deliberately inflicting severe physical pain and possibly injury or psychological distress on a person and has been sanctioned by individual and states since ancient times as a form of punishment, revenge, coercion or simply to extract sadistic gratification from inflicting or observing the agony of the victim. In most cases, the perpetrator makes no attempt to kill the victim so as to prolong the period of suffering. Ingenious methods of torture have been invented across the world through the ages. One especially haunting method is Chinese Water Torture in which the victim is strapped down in a dark room so as to keep him perfectly still, and then cold water is dripped slowly onto his forehead. After a considerable length of time, the prisoner is driven insane as he perceives a hollow forming on his forehead by the steadily dripping water.

2. Murder

Murder Top 10 Cruelest Things you can do to Someone
We cannot give life. Therefore no one gives us the right to take it. Killing, murder, homicide – varied terms are used to describe a crime so cold-blooded and evil that we shudder if we  even start to think of it. Yet, this is a crime that has been repeatedly committed in cruel ways since the prehistoric age. Often, more horrifying than the murder itself is the brutal manner in which it is executed upon oblivious victims. The bodies of several of them are found horribly mutilated, beheaded or hacked to pieces.  Many of these sadistic killers possess no mercy, often leaving the victim to die a slow and painful death. Murders broadly fall into two categories: serial killing and mass murders. Serial killers target one victim at a time, and are known to undertake meticulous planning to execute their crimes, leaving hardly any traces which could track them down. However, most of them follow a common modus operandi for the series of murders they commit, as seen in the cases of Jack the Ripper, the Boston Strangler and many other infamous criminals.  Such killers are remorseless sadists who doubtless derive some sort of macabre joy and satisfaction in getting away with their crimes. Mass murders on the other hand are targeted against a large number of people and carried out as instruments of terrorism or for other unreasonable motives, like a religious vendetta, as seen in the abhorrent persecution of Jews in the gas chambers of Germany’s concentration camps before World War II.

1. Abetment to Suicide

Abetment to Suicide Top 10 Cruelest Things you can do to Someone
Abetment to Suicide
You thought there was nothing more unpardonable than murder? Think again. Taking someone’s life is merciless, but torturing someone so ruthlessly (mentally or physically or both) that he or she ends his/her own life, is unthinkable. Such pressure or torture is inflicted to force illegal favours or to sadistically bring about emotional ruin of a previously healthy mind. When the victim can take it no more, he or she is compelled to commit suicide to escape the unbearable circumstances. Imagine a manner an agony so excruciating that the victims are prepared to face death instead of carrying on with a life over which they have lost control and which turns more painful each day. Forcing someone to take such a drastic decision reeks of pure evil in the minds of the perpetrators and demands to be classified as the most heinous of all crimes.
We condemn any one from doing cruel things and the only things we motivate are the kind one’s.

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