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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Top 10 Reasons to Say No to Death Penalty

Death penalty also known as capital punishment is basically a death sentence which is given to someone because of the crime that that person has committed. The actual process when that person is killed is known as execution while the name of the punishment is death entence. Execution is carried out in almost all the countries in order to suppress crimes and criminals. But is that the right way to remove crime from our society. If one criminal is killed then the other one is born. What difference will that make to our society. The debate on whether the death penalty should be abolished or whether it should be provided is a very recent topic nowadays. Every person have a different opinion about this topic. Some are in favor of it and some our against. This article is written in favor of the abolition of death penalty and also provides us with the reasons supporting our topic that why we are against death penalty and why it should be abolished.

lowers us to level of criminals Top 10 Reasons to Say No to Death Penalty
People who are known as criminals are called so because of their bad deeds and the bad things that they have committed. But we can’t stoop to the same level in order to teach them a lesson. Then what will be the difference left between us and them. There can be many different ways in order to make them realize their mistakes and the effects of their wrong doings on their’s and the victim’s families. Providing them with death sentence will never make them understand the effects of their ill doings as they will not be here to see the consequences. It will also make us and them same, as we also have that tag of killing someone as they did. Thus, capital punishment is not the solution for a crime, no matter how big it is, as we can’t lower ourselves to the level of criminals.
no chance to become better person Top 10 Reasons to Say No to Death Penalty
There can be many circumstances under which a crime is committed. Many people under stress, under the influence of bad company, under the lure of taking revenge, and under many more situations usually commit a crime which they did not want to happen. Though their actions can not be reversed, but they can still be given a chance to correct their mistakes. If a person is ready to take responsibility of his actions and is guilty for his mistakes, he should be provided with another chance, so that he can do right things and also he should be supported if he wants to have a fresh start in his life and wants to live his life as a better citizen.
costs more money to taxpayers1 Top 10 Reasons to Say No to Death Penalty
When a person is sentenced death penalty for his crime rather that life imprisonment, then it also effects the other citizens of that country. It takes a lot of time, till the criminal will actually be executed. The criminals remains on death rows till the  jury selection, trials and appeals required in capital cases keeps on taking place. This can even take over a decade, and while the criminals remains on death row they are kept in separate cells under intense observation which is immensely costly. This effects the citizens of the country as they have to pay high taxes in order to provide facilities to the criminals. Thus, instead of death penalty, life imprisonment should be provided, so that at least a normal citizen does not have to pay high taxes.
cycle of killing Top 10 Reasons to Say No to Death Penalty
If death penalty will be provided to all the criminals, it means they are given an eye for an eye. It will not lead us anywhere as one murder will lead to another and that will lead to another. Thus a cycle of killing will be created and the one’s who will pay for all these mishap are the families of the victims and the criminals. Killing a criminal, will only give rise to another criminal. Thus instead of killing a criminal, efforts should be made to separate the crime from the criminal.
families of victims can be helped Top 10 Reasons to Say No to Death Penalty
As we know that keeping a person under death row, costs a lot of money, which in turn leads to rise in taxes. This money which is wasted, to keep a criminal under special supervision, can be utilized to help the victims families. In this way, even the criminal will face his punishment of life imprisonment for his crime and also the welfare of the victims families can be taken into consideration. So, it is better to provide life imprisonment rather than death penalty to the criminals, in order to help the families of the victims.
against religion and violates right to life1 Top 10 Reasons to Say No to Death Penalty
Killing is against every religion as no religion ever taught us to kill someone. Also, according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights each person have the right to life. We have no right to go against the religion and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and grant death penalty to anyone. there are even many other ways to punish the criminal and make him pay for his mistakes.
against religion and violates right to life Top 10 Reasons to Say No to Death Penalty
It is not necessary that every time the person who have all the witness and proof against is the criminal. It is very often seen, that many a times the witnesses are bribed and proofs are being planted. It is not necessary that every person gets justice. Providing capital punishment can thus leads to accidental execution of innocent people. It is better to provide life imprisonment rather than death penalty, so that if the person is innocent, he at least have a chance to prove his innocence and start a fresh life once again without any criminal records.
avoid discrimination Top 10 Reasons to Say No to Death Penalty
There always exists discrimination while providing with capital punishment. The minorities and the poor are the ones who are subjected to death penalty more often. People possessing high societal status either are provided with few months or years of imprisonment or they usually gets bail even after committing a crime. This discrimination against racial minorities and the poor can only be stopped if death penalty will be abolished. Thus, providing with imprisonment, avoids discrimination between the poor and the rich, thereby giving every criminal an equal treatment to pay for their mistakes and to learn from it.
collective punishment Top 10 Reasons to Say No to Death Penalty
When a person is given capital punishment, he is not the only one that suffers, but, with him his whole family is affected. Capital punishment is thus a collective punishment for both the criminal and his family. The criminal will be executed, but after his death, his family is the one one who will have to suffer. The punishment thus effects all the family members and friends of the criminal as they have to undergo with the same pain as undergone by the victim’s family members and friends, i.e. the pain of loosing their loved one. Thus, execution of criminals should be abolished,as it is responsible for the sufferings of the people who are close to criminals and who do not have anything to do with the crime.
makes society more violent 300x166 Top 10 Reasons to Say No to Death Penalty
When a death penalty is provided to a criminal, it shows that state has committed a murder, thereby giving a bad example to the society. It leads to the negative impact on the society as the people will then readily use physical violence in order to teach someone a lesson or to take revenge. This will give rise to more criminals, thus making our society more violent. So, it is favorable to follow other ways to torture the criminals which will make the criminals realize their mistakes and at the same time will lead to a positive impact on the society.

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